Column | Notes |
Place | The sequence is alphabetical by place and generally follows the listing of parishes in
'The Phillimores Atlas and Index of Parish Registers' (which repesents the position as at c.1832).
Also shown is the Ordnance Survey grid reference, except where ambiguous or not identified.
Where the original IGI entries give the name of a church or a village/suburb/street, these are listed in the left-hand
column of the table.
Batch Number | Lists Extracted batches only. Click on a number to access this batch on the FamilySearch website. |
Event Type | Batches labelled as Births/Bapts contain a mixture of
births & baptisms, and sometimes include 'Adult Christenings'. |
Covering Dates | These are derived from the actual data. In some rare cases a
'rogue year' can produce misleading covering dates. |
No. of Entries | Numbers for 'Marriages' refer to marriage partners. The actual
number of marriage events will be approximately half in each case. |
Batch Type | The Batch Type column is labelled Single where the batch
contains events from a single place only. Many batches contain events from a number of different places,
these are labelled Mixed; the number in brackets refers to the total number of records in the batch.
So the entry above: C146262, Beguildy, Bir 1832, 1, Mixed (121) indicates
that this is a Mixed batch containing 121 events, of which 1 is a 1832 Bir from Beguildy.
Click to view Mixed batches in batch number sequence.
'Listed by Wallis?' | A YES in this column indicates that the batch also
appears on the Hugh Wallis website. This page includes 642 entries that don't appear on his website.
Syntax | Shows the placename syntax used by FamilySearch if it differs significantly from the main place entry. |